Why are Naga Sadhus called so dangerous?

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  • Naga sadhus so dangerous? 

He makes a humorous sound in Ardhakumbha, Mahakumbh, wraps his body on his body, sings and dances, dumru dhapli but disappears as soon as the Kumbh is over. What is the truth of the mysterious world of Nagas?

Naga monks live in one cave for a few years and then move to another cave. Due to this it is difficult to ascertain their exact position. Many of these sannyas wear austerities and some non-men also perform austerities by staying in a secret place.

In the same way, changing from caves to third and caves in the same way and immersed in the devotion of Bhole Baba, these Nagas spend their whole life with the help of herbs and Kandmul. Many Nagas spend years wandering in the jungles and are seen in the next Kumbh or Ardh Kumbh.

Naga monks travel through the forest paths. Usually these people start walking late at night. During the journey, these people do not go to any village or city, but instead camp in the forest and deserted paths. Due to traveling at night and resting in the forest during the day, no one can see them coming or going to Simhastha.

Some Naga Sadhus go to the herd and some travel alone. Kandamools consume fruits, flowers and leaves during the Naga journey.

Naga sadhus cannot use beds, cots or any other means to sleep. Even Naga sadhus are prohibited from sleeping in an artificial bed or bed. Naga monks sleep only on the ground. This is a very strict rule that every Naga monk has to follow. Usually these Naga Sannyasis keep their identity hidden.

Naga sadhus have to eat only one time, including night and day. That food is also demanded by alms. A Naga monk has the right to begging from as many as seven houses. If no begging is received from all the seven houses, then one has to starve. In the food that is received, the likes and dislikes have to be accepted with love.

There is a kotwal in every arena: According to the tradition of the akhadas of the sadhus, it is a kotwal of the arena. When the Naga Sadhus leave the arena and go to the forest or mountains to do cultivation after completion of the initiation, this kotwal serves as a link between the Naga Sadhus and the Akharas.

Whenever there are mahaparvas like Kumbha and Ardhkumbh, these Naga reach there mysteriously on the information of Sadhu Kotwal.

Most Naga monks of the Akharas live in the Himalayas, Kashi, Gujarat and Uttarakhand. If you go on a tour in the hill states, you will see many ashrams or avenues. For example, when you go to Nilkanth from Rishikesh, you must have seen many more temples or monasteries there… Just on these hills Nagas also live.

All of them practice in the mountains, caves and tents away from the village or city. Naga ascetics change their place after living for a few years in a cave.


