Durvasa Rishi was very angry but then how was he such a perfect man? rishi durvasa curse?

  • Durvasa Rishi ka shraap?
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  • durvasa rishi story?
On hearing the name of sage Durvasa, fear of curse arises in the mind that if someone does not curse us, his fear also remains in the gods, then we are ordinary people. Know "

You must have heard the name "Durvasa"? This means that people cannot stay away from the angry person anyway, but there were thousands of disciplesrishi durvasa curse born, grew up and now you have said that Durvasa Rishi, you will not know at all.
First of all, according to the Brahmanda Purana, the story of the birth and naming of Durvasa, there was a heated debate between Shiva and Parvati. Angry Parvati told Shiva that this angry nature of you makes you not able to live together, then Shiva set his anger in the womb of Anusuya, wife of Atri Rishi.

Due to this, the name of Atri and Anusuya's son Durvasa was also named as Durvasa because of not being able to live with Parvati. Before this, you must have listened to the story of Anusuya asking for Tridevo as a son and now you will know the story ahead.

Durvasa Rishi was educated in his father's house, but soon due to his ascetic nature, he left his parents and started wandering in the forest. Then a sage came to Durvasa with his daughter and got her daughter admitted. The sage told Durvasa all the qualities of his daughter, but together told that one of his qualities was heavy.

The sage's girl's name was Kandali and she had only one demerit that she was a quarrel, knowing the fierce nature of Durvasa, the sage appealed to Durvasa to forgive all his crimes. In such a situation, Durvasa said that I will forgive 100 crimes of my wife and not after that.

Both got married and Brahmachari fell into Durvasa Grihasthi, but due to her nature Kandali used to quarrel with her husband over the matter and due to her boon, Durvasa had to bear anger.

The Durvasa whose anger was shaking the creation of the world, then they were shivering with the anger of their wife, they were shaking because they had given a boon and they could not do anything. Alam was that Durvasa forgave more than 100 Galatia (wife) but one day his mercury became unbearable and he then consumed his own wife Kandali.

Then his father-in-law arrived and seeing Durvasa do this, he cursed him and said that if you could not bear it then you should have abandoned him and killed him. Due to this mistake Durvasa had to be insulted by Amrish ji, otherwise what could Sudarshan of Rudravatar do.

From the day of that incident, the ashes of the Kandali became Kandali caste and even today that caste exists ....... Apart from that Krishna's sister (Yashoda's daughter) whom Kamsa wanted to kill was later Vasudev Devaki He was then married to Pala and Durvasa. His name was Ekvinsha is not a wonderful story ...

Duryodhana, inspired by Karna, systematically sent Durvasa Rishi and his thousands of disciples to the Vanvasi Pandavas when they had eaten. Although the Pandavas had an intact character, but there was food in it till Draupadi was empty and Draupadi had eaten it.

In such a situation, when he reached Durvasa and went to the river to bathe, Draupadi remembered Shri Krishna, Shri Krishna was sitting on a plate of food at that time and left the plate and reached the help of his supreme devotee. Shri Krishna then pacified the hunger of himself and the whole world by eating the straws remaining in the Akshaya Patra, which included Durvasa ji.

But Durvasa knew that Shri Krishna should do this, then Durvasa Ji told Shri Krishna that there is an article in the scriptures that one should not leave the serving plate and no one should eat food. You have done this, so I curse you that while fighting for food, your dynasty will be destroyed and this is what happened.

But Shri Krishna Sashir had gone to Golok, although in many places he has also been told about the sacrifice of the body, so do not leave the serving plate and do not eat anyone's shoes.

