Why was Sudama poor? Why did Sudama get poverty?

According to the legend, Sudama himself assumed a curse.
Much has been written about Sudama. It is said that after education and initiation Sudama ji used to live his life by asking alms in his village Asmavatipur.
Sudama was a poor Brahmin.

A Brahmin woman was a devotee of Lord Vasudeva. She lived alone in her hut. She was so poor that she used to live by begging.

One day he did not get anything to eat for 5 days. He calmed his hunger by drinking water and singing bhajans. On the sixth day he got two handfuls of gram. He thought that in the morning: I will accept those grams by offering to Lord Vasudeva. Thinking this, she tied the chanas in a bundle and went to sleep. In the night the thieves entered the hut. The thieves caught sight of the bundle. Looking at the bundle, he realized that it contained silver coins or some precious metal. Thinking this, he escaped from there with the bundle.

Panicked thieves rushed to Sandipan Rishi's ashram. The sage's wife woke up after hearing his hurt. Hearing his wife's voice, the thieves fled, leaving Panli. Waking up in the morning, when Sandipan Rishi's wife opened the bundle and saw it, there were grammes in it. Gurumata gave that bundle to Krishna and Sudama, who are going to cut wood in the forest.

Here, when the Brahmin's eyes opened, he came to know that a thief had stolen that bundle. Then, distraught with hunger for 6 days, the brahmini cursed with an unhappy heart and said, "The person who eats gram will be as poor as me, he too will not get food for many days."

Sudama's realization power was intense. The curse of Brahmani came to know as soon as he caught the pot, so when a terrible storm came in the forest and Shri Krishna was hungry, Sudama also ate his share, because he knew that if he ate that gram, his supreme friend Krishna Will also be cursed by a Brahmin. Playing true friendship in this way, Sudama assumed the curse of Brahmani himself.
